PIC-it |
PIC-it shields are standard, cost effective off the shelf surface-mount Board Level Shields. PIC-it shielding is available in one-piece and two-piece designs and require no tooling lead time or startup costs. All shield frames are supplied in tape and reel packaging to enable automated placement during assembly. From prototypes to high volume production, PIC-it Board Level Shields are always in stock and ready to ship.
Part | Length | Width | Height | Reel Qty |
Tape Width |
Material Description |
PIC-S-101 | 0.500 (12.7) |
0.538 (13.67) |
0.100 (2.54) |
1200 | 24mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-102 | 0.650 (16.51) |
0.650 (16.51) |
0.142 (3.61) |
600 | 32mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-103 | 1.032 (26.21) |
1.032 (26.21) |
0.200 (5.08) |
250 | 44mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-104 | 1.260 (32.00) |
1.260 (32.00) |
0.236 (6.00) |
180 | 56mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-105 | 1.000 (25.40) |
1.500 (38.10) |
0.236 (6.00) |
200 | 56mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-106 | 1.326 (33.68) |
1.450 (36.83) |
0.200 (5.08) |
200 | 56mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-107 | 1.747 (44.37) |
1.747 (44.37) |
0.384 (9.75) |
80 | 72mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-108 | 1.559 (39.60) |
1.559 (39.60) |
0.276 (7.00) |
90 | 25mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-109 | 1.156 (29.36) |
0.728 (18.50) |
0.276 (7.00) |
200 | 56mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-110 | 1.201 (30.50) |
1.732 (44.00) |
0.118 (3.00) |
250 | 72mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel |
Part | Length | Width | Height | Reel Qty |
Tray Qty | Tape Width |
Material Description |
PIC-S-201F PIC-S-201C |
0.500 (12.7) |
0.538 (13.67) |
0.100 (2.54) |
1200 Tray |
84 | 24mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel 0.006" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-202F PIC-S-202C |
0.650 (16.51) |
0.650 (16.51) |
0.142 (3.61) |
600 Tray |
84 | 32mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel 0.006" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-203F PIC-S-203C |
1.032 (26.21) |
1.032 (26.21) |
0.200 (5.08) |
250 Tray |
24 | 44mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel 0.006" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-204F PIC-S-204C |
1.260 (32.00) |
1.260 (32.00) |
0.236 (6.00) |
180 Tray |
24 | 56mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel 0.006" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-205F PIC-S-205C |
1.000 (25.40) |
1.500 (38.10) |
0.236 (6.00) |
200 Tray |
24 | 56mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel 0.006" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-206F PIC-S-206C |
1.326 (33.68) |
1.450 (36.83) |
0.200 (5.08) |
200 Tray |
24 | 56mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel 0.006" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-207F PIC-S-207C |
1.747 (44.37) |
1.747 (44.37) |
0.384 (9.75) |
80 Tray |
20 | 72mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel 0.006" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-208F PIC-S-208C |
1.559 (39.60) |
1.559 (39.60) |
0.276 (7.01) |
90 Tray |
20 | 56mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel 0.006" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-209F PIC-S-209C |
1.156 (29.36) |
0.728 (18.49) |
0.275 (7.00) |
200 Tray |
56 | 56mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel 0.006" Tin-Plated Steel |
PIC-S-210F PIC-S-210C |
1.201 (30.50) |
1.732 (43.99) |
0.118 (3.00) |
250 Tray |
20 | 72mm | 0.008" Tin-Plated Steel 0.006" Tin-Plated Steel |